champions cup

levitating UEFA cup

For many people this is a boyhood dream. How many can say they’ve held the UEFA cup, let alone levitated it.

a new upscaled levitation module to let the 15 kg float in mid-air.


When HAVAS approached us with the question ‘can you help us levitate the UEFA cup?’ our first reaction was well.. intrigued. No kidding around; the UEFA cup is a big and heavy object. So levitating this was a challenging project. But, with the ingenuity of our engineers we made it happen.

In order to levitate something this big, we built a unit unprecedented in scale. The unit is not exactly a consumer model, as it is too heavy to be carried by 1 person. But it can levitate up to 25 to 30 kg. The maximum levitation height is 135mm!

This unit opens new doors for floating heavy objects. So if you’re interested; drop us a message.



Contact us for the possibilities for more kilograms.