custom projects
Scale. Rotate. Control. Slide. Move. Lift. Interact. Apply. Combine. Shape shift. Detect. Materialize. Embed. Multiply. Integrate. Illuminate. Hide. Overwhelm. Surprise.

…. whatever it is, we can create it (or at least try to ;)! Over the years we’ve built a strong portfolio with meaningful projects driven by clients, both big and small. Every individual project is different, but in general the process can be broken down in the following sequence.
1. Reach out to us
Go to get a quote and fill in the form with your details, a description of what you want to achieve, specifications on your product and you can even upload 3D files, pictures and sketches.
2. Feedback
Once we have all the necessary information we can tell you if it’s possible and is a basic model is suitable to start with or we have to build something from scratch entirely. And of course what something like this would cost and how long it will take. If we need more info; we’ll check in with you.
3. The proof of the pudding is in the eating
We don’t know for sure if it levitates, until we try it. So you can send us your design to see if it floats. If it floats; we’ll send you a short video. If it doesn’t float (yet), we’ll tell you how to make it work.
4. Approve and produce
If the final design gets your approval, we’ll start production.
5. Testing and shipping
Before everything ships out, we will test it thoroughly.